Citation - Boston Gazette: 1782.10.14

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Index Entry Beyond those western hills, whose haughty brow [fl] 
Location Boston 
14 Oct 1782:11-12 (1468)
. . . The scene manifestly the city of Gibeon, and the time
a little antecedent to the embassy from that city to Joshua.
. .
  Beyond those western hills, whose haughty brow
  to heaven exalted, scorn'd the world below;
  Gobeon's imperial towers sublimely rose,
  And dar'd the terrors of surrounding foes!
. . . [2 1/2 cols.]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1782.10.14 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, and Sons 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0006891
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